La Guerra Fría comenzó después de la rendición de la Alemania nazi en 1945, cuando la incómoda alianza entre Estados Unidos y Gran Bretaña por un lado y la Unión Soviética por el otro comenzó a desmoronarse. ... Los estadounidenses y los británicos estaban preocupados de que la dominación soviética en Europa del Este pudiera ser permanente.
B. To help a grape workers Union
September 8, 1965, Filipino American grape workers, members of the Agricultural Workers Organizing Committee, walked out on strike against Delano-area table and wine grape growers protesting years of poor pay and conditions.
Letters and publications written by Nazi leaders before the Second World War.
This answer is correct because this historian is searching for the motives of these perpetrators, letters and publications can tell their thoughts and conversations.
Most of the women polled during research for The Feminine Mystique were homemakers - b.
The reason why the polled women in this case were homemakers and weren't professionals or college students was due to the specificity of the sample and the times in which this research was conducted.