Read and you will understand
Answer: twinklings and twinges . casual affair. old yellow pair.
t's said that word are mightier than sword because by sword you can kill one person at a time but my words you can create massacre.... once a word is is said you can never take it back by anyway. And when word emotion it creates tremendous power to kill
Dheh3hdv dbehe e hde de d rd 4d r4d 4d 55c 5f f55 f 5f 5f5 f 5f 5 f5 f5 f 5 f 5f 4f.4F 4f 4 f4 f44f 4f d n3dn3nded4fbnwd 3nd4 x nan d 4d 4ndee3bfb5fn5f. ed 5fn5 f 4bfn4bf 44f 5 c 5 4
Answer: The main idea is the central idea of a story (the most important idea throughout the story) and a summary is what the story is about