1) Orwell shows that, like the people of the Soviet Union, Clover experiences deep sadness about the violence.
2) Orwell shows that Clover had hopes similar to those of Soviet peasants—that life would eventually improve.
3) Orwell shows that Clover discovers she is mistaken in believing that the powerful would protect the weak
Through speeches, the leaders usually tried to appeal to all audiences. Martin Luther King Jr’s speech “I have a Dream” was given to both dark-skinned and light-skinned people.
At first, he aims the speech at the light-skinned people, by referring to the dark-skinned person as someone separate.
The second part of the speech was more directed toward the dark-skinned people, so he used terms like “my people” and “we”
The third part of the speech was when he called for unity and referred to everyone as friends, and talks about his dream.
a compound sentence is when the sentence can be split up to make two complete sentences.
i.e. Paolo missed his girlfriend. He knew she'd be back.
d. can be split up into two fully functional sentences.