In Walt Whitman's poem "O Captain! My Captain!," the emotional contrast between the sailors and the people is expressed by irony, which is the language that means the opposite of what is said. In that matter, the sailors are miserable because they have just come from war and the captain has died. However, the people on the deck do not know what actually happened during the war or that the captain has died, so they are simply contented that the war is over.
Both the mothers from my mother’s garden by Amy tan and fish cheeks by Kaitlyn green ridge are good role models for Kaitlyn and Amy. They both seem to really care for their kids and want what’s best for them. Their parents are trying to teach them to be happier with themselves. American food traditions for Christmas Eve are more leaned towards roast turkey, ham, sweet potatoes, etc. But traditional Chinese foods are usually dumplings, huoshao, rice, fish, etc. Amy’s parents invite her crushes family over to Christmas Eve dinner, making Amy worried that her crush, Robert might judge her over her family’s “poor” manners and the food they’ll have served. However, Amy’s mother doesn’t want her to feel the need to change just for some boy or to act like somebody she’s not. She talks about how Amy could try acting and looking American on the outside but inside should always be Chinese, as she says, “ but inside you must always be Chinese”. In my mother’s garden Kaitlyn is embarrassed over the fact she lives in poverty, so she tries her best to hide it from everybody at school. Her mother decided to go back to college to get a degree, knowing that’ll help her get a better job in education so she can get her and her daughters out of poverty housing. Her mother starts a garden, so they have A little something to hold onto from their past life’s before poverty and her divorce. She’s also described to be a very honest person “ my mother is radically honest, one of the few people I know who is in capable of lying”. Amy’s mother is a good role model because she’s trying to teach Amy that it’s okay to be different and have other traditions. She tells Amy “you must be proud you are different” and “your only shame is to have shame”. Although Amy doesn’t realize it at the time, her mother just wants her to be happy with herself. And Kaitlyn‘s mother is a good role model because she’s getting a better education so she can get her family out of poverty and hopefully back to being middle-class, “she did not want us to stay in this housing project forever”. Well, she’s also inspiring younger kids to help work on a little garden to lighten things up around there. Although some people may disagree, thanking their parents are bad role models. From Amy’s mother inviting Robert and his family over, while also making a very “strange menu” its embarrassed Amy because she liked Robert and didn’t want him to think low of her. Tell her mother knew she liked rapper and probably just wanted to get to know him and his family. Or as Kaitlyn‘s mom breaks the rules by keeping a computer even though poverty doesn’t allow it. But she only kept it because it’s helpful for her and she didn’t want to just throw it away. In the end making the good outweighs the bad and showing that their moms are good role models because in the end they both just want what’s best for their daughters.
I edited some things. I added commas and corrected some spelling errors. Overall really nice.
The reason that Thomas Paine brings up the opposing argument that the colonies have been well protected by the British is:
B. To create a chance to prove his opponents wrong
Thomas Paine states in “The American Crisis, No.1" about the importance of Independence for the people of America. He approaches every people through emotional thoughts and ideas. His writings persuade people to think over the need for Independence of themselves and for their children. Thomas Paine didn’t agree with the fact that Great Britain has always benefited the colonies and will ever benefit them in the future. He opposes the fact that it will provide security and protection to the colonized countries.
In the morning of my first day of high school, I felt shy and somewhat invisible, but another girl then smiled at me and said hi and I instantly felt more at home.
I went into my homeroom, looked around and saw twenty excited faces. My new teacher walked in, smiled and told us to get out our notebooks.
I climbed back on the bus and sat with my new friend. She lives in the neighborhood with me.
Hope this helps!
for what did you got 99.99 percent in exams..