Answer: A presidential democracy modeled closely on the United States.
The American government believed that establishing democracy in Japan involved change in all areas of Japanese life. Under MacArthur and with the cooperation of the Japanese, Japan undertook tremendous changes in just seven short years — the Occupation lasted from 1945 to 1952.
It is most likely to combine music and poetry
Ballads are generally a verse or a poem which is set to a specific music.
The idea is to develop a narrative and enhance the experience of story telling.
Ballads are characteristics of the old medieval English story-telling culture from it developed into a complete art form by the 19th century.
Ballads are still popular among both the young and old as fine forms of entertainment and art
The word <em>coax</em> means to persuade someone to do something and its synonym is <em>persuade</em>.
In the given sentence "<em>Sally tried to </em><em><u>coax</u></em><em> her kitten to come down from the tree"</em> refers to a situation where a person (Sally) is trying to <u>persuade</u> her kitten to do something, which in this case is to get down to the ground because the kitten climbed to the top of the tree.
I statement is create in order to re-express the sentence using the speaker's point of view and could be distinguish by the usage of 'I' in the beginning of the sentence and 'you' to describe communication partner.
Example of the I statement would be:
I am hurt that you would try to steal my girlfriend. Please leave her alone
The reason why cities located on the western coast of Norway have milder climate than other cities father inland is the sea: the sea mitigates climate extremes, bringing rain, moisture, cloud cover, and other meteorological phenomena, that moderate the climate.
Besides, the northern coast of Norway manages to get a bit of the warmer climate from the gulf stream.