The slope would be undefined and it would be wrote as (0,0)
Expecting this inquiry is alluding to the early experiences between the pilgrims and the Wampanoags, depicted close to the start of the second book, the most essential part of the story is the experience with Samoset. Samoset approaches them "bouldly" and talks in "broken English," which they wonder about. He took in English from anglers who had beforehand gone to the area.
She faces trying to buy a gift for her husband Jim when she only has $1.87
Hopeful and optimistic
"The Americans of tomorrow, the America that is every day nearer coming to be, will be too wise, too open-hearted, too friendly-handed, to let the least lastcomer at their gates knock in vain with his gifts unwanted" (Yezierska).
she felt bored, sad, and hopeless
i may be wrong