Scout describes Calpurnia as a strict, demanding, and unsentimental “tyrannical presence.” At the same time, Scout treats Calpurnia with more genuine respect and obedience than the female members of her own family, such as her Aunt Alexandra.
wanting or devouring great quantities of food.
Chronological order
The recipe is organized in chronological order. This can be observed through the process of developing the cookies to which the recipe is referring, since this process follows a series of steps that take place one after the other in a well-defined and delimited sequence.
This sequence, where each stage takes place each in its time period that is established right after the execution of the previous stage is an example of a chronological order.
encroach. to advance or intrude beyond set limits; trespass, intrude, creep. evince. to clearly demonstrate or exhibit; show, reveal, display.