Spitting a lot. Always moving
Wrestlers spit before weigh-ins to help them lose that extra couple of ounces to meet weight.
Muscles are also necessary for movement: They're the masses of tough, elastic tissue that pull our bones when we move. Together, our bones, muscles, and joints — along with tendons, ligaments, and cartilage — form our musculoskeletal system and enable us to do everyday physical activities.
The correct answer is 2% milk, high fructose corn syrup, and vanilla flavoring.
The milk-based beverage that mike likes have all different kind of components according to the label. In the beverage, the sources of carbohydrates are 2% milk, high fructose corn syrup as corn is the major source of carbohydrates. Vanilla also has carbohydrates in them if they are natural and contains 1.6 gm of carbohydrates.
Thus, the correct answer is 2% milk, high fructose corn syrup, and vanilla flavoring.
"The Y chromosome is a puny bit of DNA that has only a few genes. And the genes it does have mostly deal with being male. So the only traits that are passed from father to son through the Y are those that turn an embryo into a male and those that make a man fertile once he reaches puberty."
"Girls have two X chromosomes and boys have an X and a Y. Because girls have two X chromosomes, this means moms can only pass on an X to their kids. Boys have an X and a Y and can pass on either the X or the Y. So, it is actually your dad who determined if you were a boy or a girl!"
"This process is called meiosis. These gametes contain a unique copy of half the genes of the parent source. When fertilization occurs, an egg fuses and combines genetic material with a sperm to create a full set of chromosomal DNA, with 23 pairs of chromosomes"
So I hope that kinda helps you answer those questions with those definitions. ↑
If not Ile try to fill in blanks, at least some↓↓
Passed through a ________ sperm _______ cell. For females DNA is passed through an _____ egg ______ cell. Traits are the qualities about an organism found in their chromosomal DNA _______.
The vaccine helps your immune system fight off the infection.