The <u>carrying capacity</u> of an ecosystem is the total number of creatures that it can sustain.
The answer is 1 because as you move farther from the center of the earth gravity would have less of an effect on you
Monosaccharides are simple sugars with a basic formula Cⁿ (H2O)ⁿ. They are classified according to the number of carbon atoms they contain: tetroses (4), pentoses (5) and hexoses (6). There are also mosaccharides with 3 carbon atoms, for example the Dihydroxyacetone.
Monosaccharides have to be aldehydes (-CHO) or ketones (-COO) with more than one alcohol function, which will be located in different carbons.
The correct answer is B. The parents are heterozygous with polka-dot tails, so they both have Pp genotype. The combination of their genotypes (Pp x Pp) could produce 4 genotypes PP, Pp, Pp and pp. Therefore, there is 25% chance for a PP genotype, 25% for a pp genotype and 50% for a Pp genotype. The PP and Pp genotypes produce a polka-dot tail phenotype and the pp genotype produces a solid coloured tail phenotype. In conclusion, there is 75% chance for a polka-dot tail (25% for a PP + 50% for a Pp) and a 25% for a solid coloured tail phenotype (25% for a pp).