Draw steps of a person who wants something and the other person is listening. Then draw them going to or getting the thing they want.
At first, (under the rule of the Trustees), the colony of Georgia was against slavery. Then, the royal governors came along and told the colonists they were now allowing slavery.
Economic policy is the management of the economy - jobs, taxes, business development, etc.
<span>Foreign policy is the management of our relationships with other countries. </span>
<span>Social policy is the management of our social systems - education, public assistance programs, civil rights, etc. </span>
<span>They are all equally important and it is impossible to rank them. </span>
<span>Which is more important to your life - your lungs, your heart, or your brain? </span>
<span>It's a stupid question and you can tell your teacher I said so. </span>
<span>It's like asking which of the Beatles is most important. </span>
<span>It can't be done.
The answer is C. They issued "Rules and Regulations".