El desplazamiento tectónico es el movimiento de las placas que forman la corteza terrestre. el calor de los procesos radiactivos dentro del interior del planeta hace que las placas se muevan, a veces hacia y a veces alejándose unas de otras.
Espero que esto ayude a marcar el MÁS CEREBRAL !!!
Volcanic eruptions and/or earthquakes caused by the shifting of tectonic plates
They can present coherent and consistent messages to their publics with little fear of contradictiontotalitarianism is a political system in which the state recognizes no limits its authority strives regulate every aspect public private life wherever feasible propaganda totalitarian regimes. Through threats and violence, even enlightened people will compromise their values.
D. Precipitation
Human environment interactions are interactions between humans and the environment.
Let’s examine each answer choice.
A. Dams are barriers that are built to stop water. Humans build them, so it is a human environment interaction.
B. Farms are plots of land humans use to raise crops and animals. Therefore, they are human environment interactions.
C. Irrigation is a way to water crops. Humans build them. They are human environment interactions.
D. Precipitation is rain, snow, hail and more. Humans can’t control it, so it is not a human environment interaction.
Therefore, the best answer is D. Precipitation.
The name of Africa's tallest peak (19,341 feet above sea level) comes from two local languages: Swahili and Chagga. When combined, the words translate to "Shining Mountain" or "White Mountain." Alternate names given to Kilimanjaro throughout history translate to "Mountain Where Birds Cannot Fly" and "Mountain of Silver Moons." The Chagga people believe that a spirit lives atop the peak and will cause sickness to some who climb. Anthropologists think this is likely their method for explaining altitude sickness, caused by attempting to climb Kilimanjaro too quickly.