Urban Sprawl is pretty much the migration of a population from a populated city or town to rural land
The physical map shows the landforms and bodies of water in specific areas on Earth's surface, the political map hows features humans have created such as the boundaries between states, provinces, territories, and countries. The topographic map shows land elevations. However all of them represent Earth's surface on different way.
Henan, a region in Central China's Yellow River Valley, is generally perceived as where Chinese human progress started. There are 4 antiquated capitals inside its fringes. Luoyang, capital amid various traditions, is home to Baima Si (White Horse Temple).
In November 2013, after the Third Plenum of the eighteenth Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, China reported the choice to loosen up the one-kid arrangement. Under the new strategy, families could have two kids in the event that one parent, as opposed to the two guardians, was a single kid.
The anwser is a shore
Explanation: This is because land meets at shores where the water stops.
La diferencia es que uno ayda (empresario) para aydar al que inventa (inventor) ejemplo: un inventor nesecita ganancias para su invento pero el no sabe como asi que le dice a sus empresarios si lo ayudan para que esas ganancias suban y asi el inventor hace su innovacion