Unmarried women were allowed to claim homesteads.
Isolation to an island--The Anglican Church or the Church of England remained on the island nation due to geographic isolation.
The Anglican Church had the king/queen of England as the leadership of the Church. Becoming a member of the church would also create loyalty to the British royalty. In addition, the Church become one with the traditions of the monarchy in Britain and did not connect to other areas.
Orator: is a person that demonstrates outstanding skill and power as a public speaker.
State's rights: is the belief that the country was founded by and for the states, and where each state keeps final power for itself.
Tariff: is a tax or duty on goods brought from a foreign nation
Nullification: is the act of canceling something, when one thing overcomes or overrides another, basically erasing the effects of the first thing
Great Debate: was between Senator Hayne of South Carolina and Senator Webster of Massachusetts on the topic of protectionist tariffs
False. Sacco and Vanzetti were likely tried unfairly by the jury, because of harbored anti-Italian, racist opinions.