Multiplier effect in the 4th round = 3.58
A change in aggregate demand can create a much greater impact in the equilibrium national income. This is known as the multiplier effect. This occurs when injections of new demand for goods and services into the circular flow of income creates further rounds of spending. For example, if the government spending was on building new affordable houses then the need for housing materials will create demand for wood, cement and other housing supplies. Thus, these businesses will see a rise in sales. Whilst they benefit through profits, their employees would benefit from wages and salaries. As their income rises, they will spend it in the economy, and so will the businesses from their profits. This additional rounds of spending is the multiplier effect.
If a 100 increase creates 33 for the second round, it is 33% (33/100 x 100) i.e. 100 x 33% = 33
This is proven since 33 x 33% = 10.89 in the third round.
Hence, the multiplier effect in the forth round = 10.89 x 33% = 3.58
An optional Call
Callable Bond
Callable bond represents an instrument of debt where the issuer issues the instrument reserving the right to make a return of the principal of investors including the stoppage of interest payments before the date of maturity of the bond.
Organisations would usually issue bonds as callable when either to meet unexpected obligations like pay off other debts, fund expansions or when they sense that opportunities may arise in the future for them to get other forms of financing at lower interest rates.
For bonds to be callable the terms must be clearly stated in the bond's offering.
Optional Call
In optional call, the issuer reserves the right to call the bonds to take advantage of present circumstances such as significant drop in interest rates (as stated in the question). However, the terms detailed in the bond resolution will allow the bondholders to receive a premium to par as compensation for their loss of interest payments on the called bond.
Furthermore, a period of time must usually pass before the issuer can use the optional call.
Gross Margin Ratio = 
Gross Margin Ratio = 
Gross Margin Ratio = 
Gross Margin Ratio = 13.01%
Gross Profit Margin is represented as (Percentage) %. Now, the Gross profit margin is really worth investigating. It not only helps when comparing Gross Profit Margin with competitors but is also helpful in investigating and comparing previous year's Gross Profit Margin. If the Gross Profit Margin fallen there could be number of reasons for this, one might be the cost of goods sold has gone up. On contrary, on the other hand the increase in Gross Profit Margin might be because of increase in selling prices.
Answer: D
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