It is because a black hole is so powerful, that nothing can escape it. Not even light itself can escape a black hole… Therefore, it’s called a black hole. So if Light cannot escape it, and light speed is 186,000 mi./s, then no object, no matter the size can escape it if it gets anywhere near the vicinity, And to answer your question more specifically, the power of the black hole stretches the object as it approaches and pretty much tears it into pieces as it is sucked into infinity. They call it a singularity.
The correct sentence is C. " Mass immigration into the United States began in the 1830s, when many Irish, Germans, and Scandinavians arrived. "
Sentence "A" incorrectly implies that the arrival ofIrish, German, and Scandinavian immigrants is merely an example andnot the main cause of the mass immigration of the 1830s;
sentence "B"
incorrectly implies that the arrival of Irish, German, and Scandinavianimmigrants was somehow contrary to the beginning of mass immigrationin the 1830s.
B. Nixon resigned before he could be impeached, although he was very close.