Neil Armstrong
On July 16, 1969, U.S. astronauts Neil Armstrong, Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin and Michael Collins set off on the Apollo 11 space mission, the first lunar landing attempt.
Protectorate, the English government from 1653 to 1659. After the execution of King Charles I, England was declared a commonwealth (1649) under the rule of Parliament.
The king was a man who was made to executed. Tea.
Slavery was different in the new world since they were not treated as people but as animals and in his home country he knew how slavery worked and how slaves were actually treated as people. He would be a slave at his own home gladly compared to this because he sees the horror around him and the way that the white people are intimidating and completely different from anything he had ever seen.
That they where sharing stuff betwwen the contrys but the was a war between them so they dont know what they going to do next after they going to do something so that they have in the states that they have something in vommon