c. southerners could require compensation from the federal government for runaway slaves that were not found.
The Fugitive Slave Law of 1850 was an extension of the Fugitive Slave Act of 1793 according to which severe punishment is given to those who aid a runaway slave and ensured to capture and return the slave to its original owner. It was one of the most controversial acts of the nineteenth century as it came as a part of the Compromise of 1850 and it polarized more people on the issue of slavery. Where federal laws imposed under the pressure of Southern States, North became more reluctant to it.
The EOP agency that directly relates to domestic affair is :
Office of Policy development
Office of Policy Development is responsible in advising and assisting president in the formulation, coordination, and implementation of domestic and economic policies.
Gandhi was famous for his peaceful protests, one of them was going on a hunger strike.
C. The breakup of Yugoslavia led to ethnic cleaning and conflicts.
The breakup of Yugoslavia and the appearance of several republics representing the nationalities that integrated the previous countries (Serbs, Montenegrans, Croatians, Eslovenes) contributed to the rise of regimes with nationalist background and whose speech encouraged the genocide of other neighboring nations. The most sound case was Serbia, which was ruled by Slodoban Milosevic, whose regime endorse the idea of annexing parts of the former Yugoslavia to create the Great Serbia.
The right answer is C.