The protection or promotion of the interests of consumers.
The quality of life in the Roman Empire depended upon where one fell within society.
During the Pax Romana, the wealthy built huge, lavishly decorated houses and usually had servants or slaves to tend to their every need. The average citizen worked hard and lived reasonably comfortably in modest housing. Despite the riches of the Roman Empire, the largest class lived in what can only be described as poverty.
Children in Rome
Roman children wore pendants called bullas, from the Latin word for "bubble," around their necks. The wealthy wore bullas made of gold, while a typical plebeian bulla was leather.
Roman family life was a patriarchy — that is, the oldest male wielded considerable power over the rest of the family. The patriarch made all of the major decisions for the family.
ahh because they needed for food?
The emperors ate mosoon for lunch ..................sorry i dont know whart monsoon means