Lysistrata, the representative of the women, argued that women and children are always at the receiving end whenever war ensues. She told the magistrate that men abandon their wives and children during war to pursue an unnecessary military career, which makes their wives and children to suffer severely.
They are persuasive arguments because she was able to convince the magistrate who in turn condemned the men for not adequately monitoring their wives.
Another type of love that was expressed in the play was Mania-obsessive love. This is evident from the fact that the women found it difficult to control themselves and had to go back to their men for sex.
Pragma- enduring love, was also another type of love expressed in the play because the men were very determined to continue sexual affairs with their wives despite continual denial.
Jews believe that Jesus was just a normal person claiming to be God's son, while the first Christians believed that He truly was the son of God. However, they both believed in the same God. Their religions both originate from Abraham, the first prophet. Jesus was worshiped by Christians, while treated like a heretic and ultimately killed by the Jews.
The Republic Flaws Of Weimar
B is the answer
Thy couldn’t choose freely nor were they born free
: <span>Only about 2.8 million were drafted under the Selective Service System
All males aged 21 to 30 were required to register for military service for a service period of 12 months. As of mid-November 1917, all registrants were placed in one of five new classifications. Men in Class I were the first to be drafte and men in lower classifications were deferred. Dependency deferments for registrants who were fathers or husbands were especially widespread.[9] The age limit was later raised in August 1918 to a maximum age of 45. The military draft was discontinued in 1920