he used the power of words
such as protests, grassroots organizating and civil disobedience to achieve seemingly- impossible goals
To escape famine and disease. And find saftey in more settled climate and environment.
Promised the land to the samurai
Response of Latin America to Policies Found in the Monroe Doctrine and the Roosevelt Corollary:
They were considered an unwelcome intrusion in Latin American affairs.
The Monroe Doctrine is the U.S. policy toward the Western Hemisphere, in which European nations were warned not to engage in further colonization of the geographical zone or continue the institutionalization of puppet monarchy in Latin America. It was delivered to Congress in December, 1823 during President James Monroe's message to Congress.
The Roosevelt Corollary of December 1904 stated that the United States would intervene as a last resort to ensure that other nations in the Western Hemisphere fulfilled their obligations to international creditors, and did not violate the rights of the United States or invite “foreign aggression to the detriment of the United States.
Latin American nations viewed the Monroe Doctrine policies and the Roosevelt Corollary as a combined intrusion into their sovereignty.
<em>Abraham Lincoln, John Breckenridge, John Bell, And Stephen Douglas</em>
<em>Abraham Lincoln → National Union Party → Lincoln was morally opposed to slavery </em>
<em>John Breckenridge → Democratic Party → Had publicly declared his opposition to "impairing in any form" the legal protection of slavery.</em>
<em>John Bell → Democratic Party → Bell opposed efforts to expand slavery to the U.S. territories.</em>
<em>Stephen Douglas → Democratic Party → Douglas believed that popular sovereignty would defuse the tension between the proslavery and antislavery factions.</em>
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<em>I hope this helps!</em>
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