<span>The region is predominantly a volcanic area as there are a lot of activities in the place. The Aleutian arc itself is a volcanic arc that is made up of a number of active and inactive volcanoes. The name Aleutian is a name of a nearby island. In a nutshell the arc suggest that there are a number of geographic activities such as volcanoes happening in that area</span>
It is covered with a biological community of vegetation composed of
mainly cone-bearing needle or scale-leaved evergreen trees. It is called
"land of little sticks". The forest trees in the taiga grow as tall
as the highest latitudes of other trees in other places.
C. Principle of original horizontality
The Law of Original Horizontality suggests that all rock layers are originally laid down (deposited) horizontally and can later be deformed. This allows us to infer that something must have happened to the rocks to make them tilted.
The San Andreas Fault is a continental transform fault that extends roughly 1300 km in California. It forms tectonic boundary between Pacific plate and North American Plate. Its motion is right-lateral strike-slip. It is divided into three segments, and each of this segments has different characteristics and different degree of earthquake risk. The most significant segment is the southern one, which passes within about 35 miles of Los Angeles. This fault was first identified by professor Andrew Lawson from the UC Berkley in 1895.
Light winter gear and summer clothing.
From what I remember its usually mild winters and hot summers.