Magistrates: Can be appointed from the age of 18, and retire at 70; Are volunteers, and there are around 23,000 from all walks of life; Do not need legal qualifications (they are assisted in court by a legal adviser);
thermohaline circulation
Thermohaline circulation occurs through the difference in density between the waters of the sea current in relation to the temperature and the amount of salt that they present. Thus, this oceanographic phenomenon makes the waters with the highest concentrations of salt, the surface waters in the North Atlantic, near Greenland, are swallowed by the part with the lowest concentration, sinking completely and causing a turnaround in the maritime space. This throws the waters with the lowest salt concentration upwards, displacing the deeper waters and attracting the warm tropical surface waters
The correct answers are A and C. As a result of the Great Leap Forward, over 10 million chinese died of starvation and it set China back many years.
The Great Leap Forward was the economic and social plan practiced by the People's Republic of China from 1958 to 1961, which set out to mobilize the vast Chinese population to rapidly reform the country, transforming the rural economy, until then based on agriculture, in a modern and industrialized communist society also characterized by collectivization.
Mao Zedong based his program on the theory of productive forces. However, the Great Leap Forward turned out to be such an economic disaster that it affected the country's growth for several years. Historically, it is considered by most authors to be the main cause of the extremely serious famine of 1960 in which 14 to 43 million people died.
Producers have the largest amount of energy available.
According to Lindeman's Ten Percent Law, only 10 percent of energy is made available to the next trophic level while 90% of the energy captured from the previous trophic level is lost as heat to the environment . It means that when energy is passed in an ecosystem from one trophic level to the next, only ten percent of the energy will be passed on.
For example :-
Suppose a plant has total energy of 10,000J. When a herbivore will eat the plant , according to Ten Percent Law it will get 1,000J (10% of 10,000J). Now , when a carnivore will hunt and eat the herbivore , it will get only 100J (10% of 1,000J).