y now, you've probably heard that taking illicit drugs might have the unfortunate effect of frying your brain -- especially if you're familiar with the now-cliche 1980s anti-drug ad that elegantly compares drug use to egg frying with the pithy message:
"This is your brain (an egg). This is drugs (a hot frying pan). This is your brain on drugs (one fried egg). Any questions?"
It contrasts the fear he feels about becoming Hyde with the peace he feels when safe at home.
The letter of Dr. Jekyll helped to show the reader of the challenges he encountered and his utmost fear which he feels whenever he transform into Hyde. <em>This is because of the brute force which he exhibit and the destruction associated with it in direct comparison to when he is his normal self as a doctor and at the comfort of his home.</em>
The poet develops the theme by:
1. comparing overcoming the hardships in life to weathering a storm.
In "He Had His Dream" by Paul Laurence Dunbar, the speaker describes someone who does not let the difficulties of life determine his fate. Such difficulties are compared, in an extended metaphor, to a storm. Even though the stormy winds are strong enough to almost sink the ship, the man remains strong and hopeful. He tells himself the storm will soon pass, and he will be able to reach his destination when it does. The speaker is thus, comparing overcoming the hardships in life to weathering a storm.