Slave owners turned to cotton production as a way to prosper due to its high demand and so did the demand on slavery.
Lack of power to enforce taxation
The Articles of Confederation couldn't collect money from the states, they could only ask nicely. When the only state that ended up paying taxes was Virginia, Congress was basically broke. They couldn't pay soldiers and had a hard time keeping up with the war.
The correct answer is the United States
He used to live in France for a good part of his life, but when his wife died and world war 2 was beginning, he went to the United States where he held classes and remained there. He lived in the United States until his life ended at 88 years old from heart failure while he lived in New York. Although he did visit USSR during his life in the US, he never remained in USSR.
Both countries engaged in the mass killing of innocent people in
conquered territories
The correct answer in my opinion would be that D is the most important factor here. But this question is quite tricky.
We can surely say for example that literature, organized schools and a hierarchy of priests are not something that constitute a civilization. Organized schools appeared to late, not every civilization had literature and having only a hierachy of priests is not enough to say you have a civilizaton.
Labor has been divided in pre-civilization hunter-gatherer societies as well.
For that reason I'd say the correct answer is D - more food than is needed for survival. Having this, the people in a certain group can focus on other things.