21.2 if you want it rounded to the tenths place 21.23722628 if not
Option C. Dicer
Dicer is a dsRNA endoribonuclease like bacterial Class III RNaseIII that is encoded by the DICER1 gene contains a N-terminal ATP-subordinate RNA helicase motif or domain.
Dicer cuts or cleaves precursor RNA molecules to make miRNA molecules. MicroRNAs regulates gene expression by hindering the procedure of protein creation. In the initial step of making a protein from a gene, another sort of RNA called RNA (mRNA) is made and goes about as the plan for protein production.
Xeromorphic adaptation is a type of adaptation which helps the plant body to retain water in dry environments.
Xeromorphytes are those plants having Xeromorphic adaptation. These plants adapt certain characteristics which enable them to store more water and lose less water. They have wax and hairs on their skin which reduces the transpiration process so they are able to survive in dry ecosystems of desert. They also have deep roots which absorbs water for it. For example, cactus plants.