Epics normally explore the topics of heroic deeds and rewarding adventures. Hope this helps!
Haha, not every school uses accelerated reader, keep that in mind, so not much people can answer your question
Lucky for you my school uses it.
Unlucky for you is that no one has it.
Let me explain, so basically you have to pay for accelerated reader as a school, so once you pay you have access to your own account where you can log in to every other computer to have access to the test.
The thing is, if you wanted to take a test at home, you will have to have not only the application, but also the school account to make sure that your test is scored and sent to the school
And only the princeable and maybe the vice know the account
And theyre not gonna give it to you as you can easily cheat on a test
Sorry bud, but atleast i gave you an explanation, glad to know theres someone else that has to deal with this pain in the butt besides me lol
A man who lusts obsessively after a woman is afflicted lechery.
Small Business
There's a lot of debate on why we should and shouldn't raise the minimum wage. Off the top of my head, I would say the reason not to raise the minimum wage is that it could affect small business owners. Basically, smaller businesses will be forced to pay their employees more money. Obviously that will hurt the owner financially and could ultimately lead the business to bankruptcy.