Streptococcus pneumoniae when inhaled from the pharynx to the lung of a person who has a viral infection or if the immunity of the individual is compromised, it can flourish and cause disease in such an individual.
I'd say an exoskeleton.
My main reason for saying this is because bugs with exoskeletons survive much better than bugs with endoskeletons or (surprise surprise) no skeletons. If your skeleton is outside your body, it protects everything inside you. Endoskeletons merely help hold you together.
See below
Molecules ---> Cells ---> Groups of Cells ---> Organism ---> Population ---> Community ---> Ecosystem ---> Biosphere
No forman tejidos, cuando se agrupan forman colonias. Algunas células procariotas poseen: - Pared celular por fuera de la membrana
Axis, earth, new, moon, half, moon, full, eclipse, lunar. Your welcome