The retina is the part pf the eye that is similar to the film of a camera. It is a thin layer of cells that is located at the back of the eyeball. This part contains photoreceptor cells which respond to light where the neural signals received undergoes complex processing by other neurons in the retina.
Telecommunication is also known as telecom(s), is the exchange of information over significant distances by electronic means, referring to all types of voice, data, and video transmission. This is a broad term that includes a spacious telecommunication field called the electromagnetic wireless range of technologies and communications infrastructures, such as wired phones; mobile devices, such as cellphones; microwave communications; fiber optics; satellites; radio and television broadcasting; the internet; and telegraphs.
A complete, single telecommunications circuit consists of two stations, each equipped with a transmitter and a receiver. The transmitter and receiver at any station may be combined into a single device called a transceiver. The medium of signal transmission can be via electrical wire or cable -- also known as copper -- optical fiber, electromagnetic fields, or light. The free space transmission and reception of data by means of communications. information
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int[] array = new int[10];
int index = 0;
while(index < array.size()){
int number = (rand() % 100) + 1;
for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
array[index] = number;
cout<< "Position "<< index << "of the array = "<< number << endl;
The while loop in the source code loops over a set of code ten times, The for loop only loops once to add the generated random number between 1 and 100 to the array of size 10. At the end of the for loop, the index location and the item of the array is printed out on the screen. The random number is generated from the 'rand()' function of the C++ standard library.
i believe the answer would be B