every company uses spreadsheets because they are used to list and organize data easily
UPS is abbreviation of Uninterrupted power supply. It is a battery backup devices useful when major supply is interrupted due to any reason.
It performs the following functions:
1. It provides protection from power surges.
2. Smooth out noisy power sources
code reviewer
In this scenario, the project manager should advertise for a code reviewer. Usually a development team has at least 2 code reviewers that are very familiar with the code that is being written for the project. Once sections of code have been completed it is usually the case that both the project lead and a code reviewer both review the entire software to look for bugs and note improvements that can be made to make the code more efficient.
It is just a declaration of an object variable, <em>person</em>, in JavaScript. Within a <em>person</em> object, there are key:value pairs. The code that you shared has the following keys: name, age, and favouriteFood, whereas the values of those keys are: Mike, 25, and pizza.
There is <em>no</em> alert statement in this code snippet; therefore, it <em>will not alert </em>anything. This code contains only a variable called <em>person, </em>and that's it!