The correct answer is the railroad locomotives. A railway
locomotive is composed of a steam engine in which they are likely to be fueled
with a material that is burning and combustible in which could be wood or coal
in mans of producing a steam from a boiler.
Timbuktu was a place where ideas were shared and quickly became a center for learning.
The Haitian revolution was ignited due to social tensions between French settlers and Gens de couleur (free people of color) , as well as slaves. These social tensions engendered slave revolts and eventually, slaves overthrew the French settlers with the assistance of Toussaint Louverture a former slave and effective military leader. The slaves in Saint-Domingue were able to declare independence on January 1,1804. The Latin American revolution was caused due to Creoles(Euro-American) wanting to be independent from colonial officials from Spain and Portugal. Simon Bolivar was a leader of the Latin American revolution and used the Virgin of Guadalupe to rally people to join against ruling elites in Mexico.