A healthcare organization with 2 hospitals, 20 clinics, and 3 urgent care centers belong to an ACO program. They have been in th
e shared savings program for two years and are now eligible to move large payments to a population-based model as they have been successful in keeping costs down and have met all the CMS benchmarks set for them. What type of ACO is this? A. Medicare Shared Savings Plan
B. Basic ACO
C. Advance Payment ACO Model
D. Pioneer ACO Model
An Accountable Care Organization (ACO) is a healthcare organization that contain groups of doctors, hospitals, and other health care providers who provide quality care and and reductions in the cost of care to medicare patients.
The pioneer ACO model is designed for doctors, hospitals, and other health care providers to create payment models that incorporate a method of risk utilization and require providers to engage in population management. It is a three year agreement with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) in which during year 1 and 2, bills are provided normally with a standard fee for service and in year 3 there is an option to put a population-based payments system in place.
You're also not going to get the nutrition you would from a home-made meal. Long story short, your convenience is costing you your health. That's why it's always better to make your own sauce. You'll eat a much healthier meal, you won't add all the salt, sugar and fat, and you know exactly what you're eating.
Because goods don't matter. It doesn't make you happy. And when you die, you don't get take your riches with you to the grave! And it sure doesn't make you superior to anyone, just because your rich! Your just the same as everybody else!
lol alright fr though, you are better able to deal with stress when you know the -warnings signs- I took health last year for extra credits over the summer. 100% accuracy guaranteed hehe.