A <em><u>democracy</u></em> makes decisions based on public input.
The cause is when North Korea, supported by the Soviet Union and China, invaded South Korea
2-3 times - Statistics show that Boys usually tend to start talking later than girls and develop language slower than girls too. For example, at 16 months age, girls can produce up to 100 words, while boys struggle to produce even 30 words. This is because boys tend to prefer non-communicative play, like playing with cars, while girls love to imitate behaviors, sounds and expressions. They also have better sensitivity to human voices and prefer it to other sounds.
<em>The distribution of a sample mean tends to be skewed to the right or left. </em><em> </em>
<em>The sampling distribution</em><em> is described as one of the probability distribution related to a statistic discovered via an entirely large number of various samples that are being drawn from a particular population. However, the "sampling distribution" of a particular population refers to the distribution of distinct frequencies related to a range of various outcomes that can occur towards the statistics of a given population. </em>
Explanation:This tries to compare Sierra Nevada mountain range and the island of Jamaica are both popular tourist destinations.
The conclusion made by this statement is WEAK, INDUCTIVE AND UNCOGENT.
The information about the bringing of Ski equipment when traveling to Jamaica in February is not a strong, deductive and cogent conclusion as both areas are not exactly the same as stated by the write up.
A conclusion is said to be weak when it does not have strong evidence to back it up,it is said to be inductive if it is not fully supported by the premise and it is said to be Uncogent when the argument is not clear and believable.