The closest word that you could spell with these symbols is timidity
There is a correspondence or equivalency between word-phoneme/grapheme by analyzing this word taking into consideration the equivalency of vowels and consonants as in the American standard phonemes system the letters represent:
t = t, tt, ed
ə = a
m = m, mb, mn
ĭ = i, y
d' = d, ed
ē = ee, e_e, -e, ea,ey,-y,ie,ei.
These correspondences can vary from country to country depending on their accent and phonetic reference.
I would like to create a jelybean that tastes like cheetos because cheetos are good and people would keeping buying the jellybean.
Details that are "factual" are details or pieces of information, that can be proven to be true and accurate--scientifically, realistically, etc.
In my opinion, the correct answer is C. anger. This phrase doesn't give the audience a reason to panic or despair, and it is far too strong to cause mere anticipation. It causes downright anger because, according to the speaker, the injustice continues in spite of all the efforts. This is an appeal to ethos, a very delicate matter that is supposed to engage the listeners, rather than just move them emotionally.