Growth is change of physical aspects of the organism. Development is overall changes and progressive changes of the organism.
Humans, animals and plants depend on the cycle of cellular respiration and photosynthesis for survival. ... The process of photosynthesis is used by plants and other photosynthetic organisms to produce energy, whereas the process of cellular respiration breaks down the energy for use.
Step 1-
Your diaphragm moves down as it contracts. Your ribs move outward. These movements make the space inside the chest larger.
Step 2-
Air rushes in through the nose and mouth and passes through the throat. Air then moves past the epiglottis which is open into the trachea.
Step 3
Air moves into your bronchi. The bronchi branch out and end in tiny air sacs, called alveoli.
Step 4
<span>Air moves into your alveoli. Oxygen moves through the walls of alveoli and capillaries, entering the blood.</span>
Step 5
Carbon dioxide moves from the blood through the walls of capillaries and alveoli in order to be expelled by the lungs.
Step 6
Your diaphragm moves up as it relaxes. Your ribs move inward. These movements make the space inside the chest smaller.
Step 7
<span>Your lungs are squeezed and air is pushed out of the alveoli. The air travels back through your bronchi, trachea, and nose and mouth.</span>