Muhammad had retired to spread the word of god. Him doing this creats a war. He retired to fight for his believe.
Answer: Polar wind
Explanation: Due to the earth's rotation, all bodies moving relative to the earth's rotation are deflected. Because the earth is spherical, the deflection is stronger at the pole than at the equator. Thus a phenomenon called polar wind due to the earth's rotation
Most of the soil is Sandy and clayey soils are not uncommon. Pebbly and gravelly soils are rare. Kankar (calcareous concretions) beds are present in some regions along the river terraces. The soil is porous because of its loamy (equal proportion of sand and clay) nature
(Answer was from google)
Tropic of Capricorn
The Tropic of Capricorn which is also known as the Southern tropic is the furthest direction south of the Equator where the Sun can be located vertically overhead as it the location of the subsolar point at the southern solstice. In the middle of June, the Tropic of Capricorn reaches a position of an angle of 90° below the horizon at midnight
The latitude of the Tropic of Capricorn is 23°26'11.8'' south of the Equator, while the location of the Tropic of Capricorn is shifting northward at a rate of 15 meters annually.
The answer is b, it’s very dry