Enough to buy a Mercedes Benz.
Residual risk
Risk is generally defined as the likelihood that some harm can happen. In quantitative evaluations, risk is defined as the probability that some negative event happens . Residual risk is the threat that remains after all efforts to identify and eliminate risk have been made. There are four basic ways of dealing with risk: reduce it, avoid it, accept it or transfer it. Since residual risk is unknown, many organizations choose to either accept residual risk or transfer it for example, by purchasing insurance to transfer the risk to an insurance company. Residual risk is the remaining risk that exists after all hazard mitigation measures have been implemented or exhausted in accordance with the applicable safety requirements and the project risk management process.
(1). Increament in GDP.
(2). Decrease In marginal product.
(3). POSITIVE marginal Product (MP).
"If data links connecting different parts of the united states were to fail, gdp would fall. if, on the other hand, the network of state-of-the-art, high-speed connections were doubled in size" what will happen are given below;
=> There will be an increase in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
=> There will be a reduction In the value of the marginal Product (MP). The marginal Product (MP) will reduce as far more than the original network.
=> The marginal Product (MP) will be POSITIVE.
Errors, fraud, and noncompliance with laws with a direct effect on financial statement amounts.
How does the auditor obtain reasonable assurance?</h3>
- In order to obtain reasonable assurance, the auditor shall obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence to be able to draw reasonable conclusions on which to base the audit opinion.
- Reasonable assurance is obtained when the auditor has thereby reduced audit risk to an acceptably low level.
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to brainly.com/question/24553900
hmmmm i'd say true if not then false