Fermentation and cellular respiration are alike in that they both begin with a series of reactions known as glycolysis, which breaks glucose molecules into smaller pyruvate molecules. ... ~ Fermentation and cellular respiration differ in that fermentation does not require oxygen while cellular respiration does.
And I got an image for you ,
If the cell were a factory, the lysosomes would function as the maintenance crew. The lysosome breaks down the enzymes and keeps the cell from working. The factory can not operate without the maintenance crew. The maintenance crews make sure that the factory is well conditioned to work.
The owl would have the least amount of energy from the producer. The higher the organism is on the food pyramid, the less energy it will receive from the producer. For example, if grass is a producer, it has the most energy. Then, if a bunny eats the grass, it takes a part of the grass’s energy but does not take all of the energy. Then, a wolf eats the bunny. The wolf gets a part of the bunny’s energy but not all. The wolf has received the least amount of energy from the grass.
Groundwater, which is in aquifers below the surface of the Earth, is one of the Nation's most important natural resources. Groundwater is the source of about 33% of the water that county and city water departments supply to households and businesses (public supply).
For evolution to occur:
There must be genetic variation in a population. This provides variation on which natural selection can act. Then natural selection can act by selecting those species which are better adapted to the environmental conditions. Over time those animals that are best suited to the environment only will survive and reproduce. Those organisms successful genes will be preserved and eventually the gene frequency in the population will change, changing the overall characteristics of a population. This is how evolution occurs.