In the late 1800's the U.S were not concerned with spain at the time and only saw the economic opportunities in hawaii.
Banks and other financial institutions use savings deposits to help borrowers by using deposits to make loans.
Answer: Option A
- The two important functions of a bank are to lend loans and accept deposits. Bank accepts deposits from people for which interest is provided to them.
- With loans being one the core functions of a bank, these loans are given to borrowers through the deposits made by the people.
- This is done to ensure that the cycle of cash and money is maintained in the economy. Based on the need and requirements, the cycle is accelerated or slowed down.
Herbert Hoover was nicknamed the Food Czar because he provided food to Europe. He was appointed head of the Food Administration by President Wilson.
Benjamin Franklin Florence Nightingale and Thomas Edison are three people that their perseverance has paid off in their life
El principal descontento fueron los fuertes impustos que se Les impulso alos habitantes de estas colonias, al punto de encaminar ese decontento en la revolucion americana, y gestar un sentido de iedentidad americana que llevo a la declarasion de la independecia en el año 1776.