A little more than two years have passed since the first Information Meeting of the representatives of a number of Communist Parties was held.
The Declaration issued by this Meeting gave a profound analysis of changes which had taken place in the international situation as a result of World War Two and during the first postwar years. It revealed the formation of two camps in the world arena and the contrast of their aims and tasks; it exposed the aggressive plans of the imperialist camp headed by the U.S.—plans aimed at establishing world domination of Anglo-American imperialism and destroying democracy; it laid bare the treacherous role of the chieftains of Right-Wing Social Democracy as accomplices of imperialism in all its anti-popular activities.
The entire course of events for the past two years has fully confirmed the correctness of the estimation of the international situation given by the first Meeting of the Information Bureau, and of the perspectives and tasks of the anti-imperialist camp as outlined by that Meeting.
Estimating the significance of the decisions passed by the first Meeting of the Information Bureau, and also of the Resolution concerning the “Situation in the Communist Party of Yugoslavia” passed by the second Meeting of the Information Bureau, it can be boldly said today that these decisions are really historical decisions; that they played an outstanding role in mobilizing, organizing and consolidating the ranks of the international working-class movement; in mobilizing the masses to rebuff world reaction and the instigators of a new war; in further increasing and strengthening the forces of democracy and Socialism throughout the world.
During the period that has elapsed since the first Meeting of the Information Bureau, considerable changes have taken place in the international situation.
For the past two years, two lines in world policy have become even more clear and sharp—the line of the democratic, anti-imperialist camp headed by the U.S.S.R.—the camp waging a persistent and consistent struggle against imperialist reaction, for peace between peoples and for democracy, and the line of the imperialist, anti-democratic camp headed by the U.S.—the camp which has as its main object the enslavement of other countries and peoples, the forcible establishment of Anglo-American world domination, destruction of the forces of democracy and the unleashing of a new war. The struggle between these opposite camps has sharpened. The aggressive nature of the imperialist camp has further increased.
Whereas the first Meeting of the Information Bureau stated that the U.S. and Britain were going over to the policy of preparing new military adventures, at present the ruling circles of the United States and Britain heading the imperialist camp openly pursue the policy of aggression—the policy of preparing and unleashing a new world war.
Having taken the path of military-political conspiracy against peace and the security of the peoples, the ruling circles of the U.S. and Britain drive at full speed preparing a new war and are declaring with increasingly cynical shamelessness and insolence, their claims for world domination, the “American leadership of the world,” reviving the insane plans of German fascism and forgetting the historical lessons given to crazy pretenders for “world domination.”
The entire policy of the Anglo-American imperialist bloc serves the aim of preparing a new world war. It finds expression in the unrestrained economic, political and military expansion carried out by the U.S. on all continents in an attempt to seize military-strategic raw materials and other resources essential for war preparations. The U.S. imperialists are netting the entire globe with military, naval and air bases, and are preparing springboards for a new war. The support rendered by the Anglo-American imperialists to all outmoded reactionary regimes (the Franco Government in Spain, the monarcho-fascist Government in Greece, Chiang Kai-shek in China, and so on), to the remnants of the destroyed exploiting classes, spies, saboteurs and murderers in the People’s Democracies, to reactionary forces all over the world-all this serves the aim of preparing a new war. U.S. imperialism has become the center and mainstay of world reaction.
Imperialist circles of the U.S. and of Britain have openly trampled under foot the decisions of the Yalta and Potsdam Conferences, aimed at a just solution of the German problem and to transform Germany into a democratic peace-loving State. After pledging themselves to regard Germany as a single unit, they pursue a policy of splitting Germany, crowning this policy with the establishment of the puppet Bonn “Government.”