I am not sure but im trying to give the ans.
1. fly - l
2. scuff - a
3. sock - aw
4. bright - a
5. dent - e
The correct answer is - 2.) Communist governments under Soviet control.
The Soviet Union, just like the United States, during the Cold War period tried to have as many allies as possible in order to have stronger support and protect its interests. Eastern Europe was a region that was almost totally under the control of the Soviets, apart from Yugoslavia which was strong on its own and didn't wanted to be submissive to other country.
The Soviets sponsored Communist governments and gave them a lot of support, be it financial, propaganda, or even military one if there were problems in the country. That led to almost all of the Eastern European nations having governments that were under the influence and control of the Soviets, making them a satellite countries to the Soviet Union.
A division of labor occurred when people started producing a surplus of food because it was no longer necessary to use all of the labor force to subsist off of agricultural goods. Once a society or community can produce enough to survive and eat the labor force will begin to work in other industries creating a division of labor this could include making textiles, building homes, or any other number of economic activities.
because two-thirds majority of each chamber must vote favorably to override the governor's veto which will make it a law
Martin O’Malley son is older then him because he is adopted by both of them.
Martin O Malley is a politician in the United States of America who was once a governor of Maryland. In his family, he has four children. William O Malley is the oldest son who is a teacher, actor, and an author.
William O Malley is even older than his father Martin O Malley who he is currently 88 years old while his father is only 56 years old. This was because William O Malley is not the real son of Martin O Malley and Katie O Malley but is adopted by the both of them.