D. Young people have civil liberties, but not to the same degree as adults.
In the court case of Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier, the Supreme Court decided in favor of the school's decision to censor or omit the pages that seem to be too extreme for the students. The case brought into mind the freedom of the press, especially the freedom to express oneself freely.
The case revolves around the journalism class where the students had written about pregnancy and divorce which the school decided to omit from the whole journal. They took the two pages out from the whole journal and let the rest be published. The school's motive was to prevent the students from learning the true identity of the persons and also prevent the other younger students from reading such inappropriate stories. This act also brings to the fore the issue of the press freedom which seems to be that even though everyone seems to have the same rights, school children have the lesser authority or right over what they can express or write about as compared to the adults.
The geographic location led to the rise of the three great West African Empires including, Ghana, Mali, Songhai.
The trade became the reason for the rise of the three empires in the West part of Africa. These kingdoms also came to be known as the trading kingdoms of West Africa. The three empires came to power as people got control of trade routes in West Africa. Ghana was the first of these kingdoms to emerge as it followed by Mali and Songhai. The trade conducted with commodities like salt, gold, etc.
In Texas, the branch that makes the state budget is the legislative branch
The 'mother country' to Brewster and Robinson was, of course, England and that was generally what was meant when the phrase came into use in the USA. They didn't coin the phrase themselves but probably read it in the works of a prominent Puritan of the day - Arthur Golding.
The people who did not begin and end each day in shades of gray"
world of color-reds,blues and strolling down the street.
The people who did not begin and end each day in shades of gray. It was active and brimming with activity.