During his rides with Sancho Panza, Don Quixote tilted at, or jousted with windmills because he thought they were giants. When he saw thirty or forty windmills in his path, he believed them to be 'hulking giants. ' And so the chivalrous 'knight' lowered his lance and charged.
"Café Olympia serves coffee from all over the world" (B) states a fact rather than an opinion.
When writing essays for school, or researching information to support your writing, it is important to be able to stay factual and avoid stating opinions (unless you are specifically asked to do it, or unless you explicitly mention that you are quoting a biased work).
These characteristics should help you identify an <u>opinion</u>:
- appreciation verbs like <em>enjoy</em>, <em>hate</em>, <em>wish</em>, <em>believe, </em>etc.
- adjectives expressing value judgement like <em>best</em>, <em>good</em>, <em>bad</em>, <em>favorite</em>, <em>disappointing</em>, <em>fascinating</em>, <em>boring</em>, etc.
- clear involvement of the narrator, for example when the subject is <em>I</em> or <em>we</em>.
Conversely, a <u>factual</u> statement usually has:
- a distanced narrator, who does not get involved
- information which can be checked, like in answer B: "coffee from all over the world."
Her flowers dumped out on the side of the road
it means treat others as you wish to be treated. that is the main rule of the Torah according to Shabbat. everything else just further states that one rule and adds onto it