How could I answer these questions? I am super confused. Thanks!
2 answers:
Answer:1. guardar, 2. preocupar, 3.olvidar, 4. hacer, 5. probar, comer
its a little bit hard but i got you and answer that can be right
I just know that it’s a conversation between the mom and the daughter. But I’m not sure about the 3 and 5. Sorry.
1- olvides
2- preocupes
4- prueba
6- comas
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Prueba 7a-4 the impersonal se
translates to Momo, or the strange story of the time-thieves and the child who brought the stolen time back to the people.
El padre espera que su hija RECOGE la basura de la calle.
Nosotros esperamos que el groupo SIGUE a nosotros
El pueblo ELIGIO a su presidente el año pasado.
Necesito ir a la enfermera. Enfermo is I'm sick in a Masculine way.
The answer is O educación