In a presidential system, political and administrative powers are divided between the executive, legislative and judicial branches. In a parliamentary system, Parliament is sovereign and executive authority
C. was considered by Jefferson to be practically worthless, yet he did not want it to fall into British hands.
Atlantic Trade route is also known as triangular trade route.
Atlantic Trade route is a trade route which was carried out between three countries in the Atlantic ocean. The trade was between three countries such as Africa, American colonies and the European colonial powers. The slaves, cash crops, and manufactured goods was traded along the route. Slaves were trade to the america, cash crops were sent to Europe and manufactured goods were transported to Africa. Middle passage was a stage in which millions of Africans were forcibly transported by the African government according to Atlantic slave trade.
They gave us cheap work to help us build stuff
They ignored it
The Boland Amendment aimed to prohibit the federal government from providing support to the Contras in Nicaragua. Instead of directly getting involved like that, they decided to ask someone else to support it, and that was Iran. Iran was the subject of an arms embargo which meant that the Contras were able to buy arms (guns) from Iran to overthrow the Nicaraguan government, and this ended up being a political scandal in Reagan's administration.