Takeshi is seeing Dr. Shakar to help her deal with her social phobia. Early in treatment, they built a list of 15 steps beginnin
g with low-anxiety scenarios and ending with high-anxiety scenarios. Over time, they have conquered many of the situations on the list, and it is time for Takeshi to try staying relaxed while walking down a busy street. The approach Dr. Shakar is using with Takeshi is called A) flooding.
B) free association.
C) rational-emotive therapy.
D) systematic desensitization.
The answer is (D.) Systematic desensitization Systematic Desensitization is the behavioural technique used by Dr. Shakar which is used to treat anxiety disorders, fear, and phobias like Takeshi who is having a social phobia. The technique is to gradually exposed the person like Takeshi to an anxiety-producing object, event or place like when she is asked to walk on a busy street.