Bottle neck effect
Any disaster could lead to sudden decrease in population of an organism thereby decreasing its gene pool. Such disasters triggers genetic drift commonly termed as bottleneck effect.
Due to decrease in the population, the frequency of occurrence of any specific trait reduces as the frequency of alleles responsible for any certain trait also reduces.
Since habitat loss will cause reduction in both space and resources for giant pandas and hence a large number of pandas will die thereby reducing the gene pool and hence frequency of an allele.
After the Civil War, many newly freed slaves migrated to the west because of the the Homestead Act that was passed in the year 1862. his act promised free land to all the settlers. 160 acres of free land or at a minor cost was promised to all those that settled in the west and had no criminal cases lodged against them for acting against the government of the United States.
It caused the delegates to vote in 1861 that Louisiana would secede.
Answer: Option D.
On January 8, 1861 the governor of Louisiana, Thomas Overton Moore organised a convention which was about the secession of Louisiana. He ordered a militia arsenal to occupy the United States arsenal.
He acted aggressively to engineer the secession of Louisiana from the union by a convention. Only five percent of the public was represented in the convention and the delegates voted 113 to 17 to secede from the union. And therefore there was secession of Louisiana.