to provide ports to the ocean
East Africa is a region that has several large lakes, located on the line of divergence between the Somali and Nubian plates, better known as the East African rift. These lakes are very important for the people living in the region. They are very rich in fish, so they provide lot of food. Because hey are large, they are also used for transportation and trade. There are other usages of them as well, such as the production of hydroelectric power, and providing water for irrigation of the agriculture. These lakes though are not connected to the oceans, so the ports are not providing any access to the oceans.
Legend is over the map, thus, making the map harder to read.
Theres 3 types of climates there arid, semiarid and temperate
choosing one cereal over another and losing the chance to buy the other
Opportunity cost is the choice sacrificed for another alternative.
Our wants according to economics are unlimited. The resources to meet these unlimited wants are also scare. Production is limited by availability of resources.
Due to limited resources, we have to choose more important needs over the other. Often times, a scale of preference is drawn for our wants.
The cost of choosing one particular commodity over another is called the opportunity cost.