Earliest- gametophyte dominance, sporophyte dependence
Middle- sporophyte dominance, gametophyte independence
Recent- sporophyte dominance, gametophyte dependence
The life cycle of plant alternates between the two phases: the haploid gametophyte which produces gametes and the diploid sporophyte which produces spores. The evolution of land plants shows how these are dependent on each other in terms of the requirement of nutrition.
In bryophytes, the gametophyte is the dominant phase on which the sporophyte depended. Later in pteridophytes, the sporophyte became dominant which is present in the later evolved groups namely the gymnosperms and the angiosperms. The gametophyte was independent on the sporophyte but in angiosperms and gymnosperms, it is dependent.
The answer is right below.
The bulk of this species’ diet consists of fish in the teleost infraclass, including dragonfish, rattails, anglerfish, and more. They are also known to feed on crustaceans and cephalopods like squid.
These sharks will prey on fish found both on the sea floor and in the water column. Because they are so slow moving, scientists believe these sharks are ambush predators. Their pinkish-red skin actually blends in when in the deep sea.
Biological structures like DNA, proteins and cells all depend on molecules. ... Neurotransmitters like epinephrine are pretty simple molecules, but without them our nervous system couldn't work. Oxygen, containing just two oxygen atoms, is a very simple molecule, and it is certainly essential to living things.
They allowed scientists to study heredity and further develop it