Before chocolate is sweetened, it tastes bitter.
A sentence has two parts: subject and predicate. Subject focuses on the person who is doing the action and predicate talks about the action, When we join two sentences, we use conjunctions.
Conjunctions like before, after, if, because, or , but, nor and so on. In this sentence, if we want to join and sentence and make it meaningful, we would place 'before' prior to 'chocolate'. Then we would put a comma after sweetened to punctuate it properly. This would make the sentence meaningful that before the process of sweetening the chocolate, the taste of chocolate is bitter. Thus, sentence would be:
Before chocolate is sweetened, it tastes bitter.
The verb form that is used to indicate present perfect tense is have + verb - ed.
For example:
I <u>have painted </u>a beautiful painting.
In this excerpt from Leo Tolstoy’s "The Death of Ivan Ilyich", the sentences that best shows how Ivan Ilyich struggles with his life and his inability to let go of his past are:
"He was hindered from getting into it by his conviction that his life had been a good one. That very justification of his life held him fast and prevented his moving forward, and it caused him most torment of all."
In this two sentences, we can see that Ivan Ilyich cannot comprehend what is happening to him if his life had been so god. His past happiness does not allow him to accept his current situation. Ivan Ilyich is aware of this incapacity of letting go of his past and feels frustrated and depressed because of it.
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