Alexia va a descansar este fin de semana.
Here's one possibility (in the absence of a question or any instructions that you failed to provide) ….
Yo<em><u> sé</u></em> que puedo comprar muchas cosas por un dólar en Ecuador.
How old was Rigoberta Menchú when she learned Spanish? To which ethnic group did Rigoberta Menchú belong? How does Rigoberta Menchu describe her parents? At the beginning of Part Two, what happens to Rigoberta's father? Where did Rigoberta Menchu's family live and what did they grow on their land? write in complete sentences the answers in the form of a short essay (10 pts.) What were (2) obstacles that Rigoberta's father had to overcome. Respond with examples from the reading (2 pts.) What are (2) of the agricultural products mentioned in the text? (2 Pts.) Write (1) incident event that impacted you. Explain why it affected you. (2 pts.) Write one (1) of the themes that appear in Menchú's work and support your answer with a specific example from the reading. (2. Rigoberta Menchủa Guatemalan peasant woman won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1992 for her political work on behalf of her people. She mentions (2) obstacles that Rigoberta overcame to excel as she has done in her life (Pts.)
Don Quijote era valiente, atrevido, Sancho en cambio era tímido y acobardado.
Don Quijote era un estudioso y culto caballero, en cambio Sancho Panza era un humilde e ingenuo campesino.
Don Quijote amaba sus aventuras pero con un fin honorable, para vivir como un caballero, en cambio Sancho Panza quería vivir las aventuras para ganar prestigio y dinero.
Don Quijote se había vuelto loco, fuera de sus cabales, Sancho era cuerdo
En cuanto a la fisonomía, Don Quijote era alto y delgado, Sancho era de estatura baja y regordete.
Monturas: Don Quijote cabalgaba un hermoso ejemplar equino, mientras que Sancho Panza montaba un simple burro
Answer:La ciudad de Iquique celebra esta fecha con actividades académicas a ... de Tarapacá, con actividades y exposiciones que buscan ... los abrazos y buenos deseos de año nuevo, la comunidad baja