the government on may 28th presented NRP 1,474.64 billion budget for the fiscal year 2020/21.
1.Mi familia y yo comemos en un restaurante.
2. Teresa debe estudiar en casa.
3. Yo asisto a clases en el centro universitario
4. Esteban escribe cartas en la universidad.
5. Tu lees libros en la biblioteca.
6. Nancy vende libros en la libreria.
It’s 18 points not 35.
I am interested in the sport of football I am a huge fan of the Seahawks they have been one of the most iconic football teams in America. Said in the article In 2014 they won their first Super Bowl Championship and are the present Superbowl champions. With their victory in the Superbowl they became one the best teams in the NFL as of 2014.
En colombia está el arroz con leche, postre de maracuya en argentina está el arequipe ,en cuba está la Natilla de vainilla, pastel de limón, en España está dulce de leche